1. How is coaching different from therapy?

Both Coaching and Therapy can help you tackle complex issues while providing a safe space for open and honest communication. The coaching process seeks to empower the client, focuses on the present and future, invites one to take action, sees the client as a partner, facilitates self discovery, and asks what’s possible? The therapeutic process seeks to remove pain, focuses on the past, takes a reflective approach, sees clients as patients, and asks, what's the problem?

2. Can my significant other and I have sessions together?

Yes, you can select both individual and couples coaching sessions. A combination of the two provides each person in the relationship with the opportunity to work privately with the coach to identify issues from their own perspective, and then come together to co-create a vision for their relationship.

3. Will you tell me what my significant other told you in session?

No. Trust is an essential part of the coach/client relationship. Information will only be shared with permission. I am obligated to report if a person is being physically and/or sexually abused, or poses a threat to themselves or someone else.

4. What is the difference between individual sessions and couples sessions?

Individual sessions allow each person to explore their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in the relationship. Couples sessions provide a safe space for you to communicate with each other and work on resolving conflict.

5. Will you provide me with resources?

If I can help you in any way, I will. Help can consist of references to other coaches, therapists, programs, ideas, organizations, worksheets, assignments, and reading material.

6. How many sessions do I need?

It typically takes ten sessions to work on three goals you want to achieve.